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Welcome to Magic Valley Commonwealth School,

Parental Involvement:  As the Magic Valley Commonwealth School exists to help families in their quest for education, it is imperative that there is much parental involvement. There are many ways for parents to be involved such as teaching a class, serving on the school board, being a teacher’s aide in a class, helping at extra activities or field trips, etc. It is expected that a parent in each family volunteers for at least one activity or position each year.  

Student Participation:  When a student enrolls in a class, it is expected that he/she will participate in class, be respectful to both peers and mentors, and make every effort to do the outside work. Students can expect that they will have out-of-class reading and writing assignments. Each mentor will present the specific expectations in class. Only students who desire to participate and learn should enroll in classes.  


To request more information:

Contact the School Board for information on Admissions


You can also request more information with this form:

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Family Applications: 

All families that were not part of the MVCS last year will need to submit a Family Application and submit a $55 application fee. These are due two weeks prior to the start of the semester applying for.  The MVCS Board will review all applications. If the family is not accepted, the $55 application fee will be refunded. If the family is accepted the $55 application fee will be applied to the Annual Family Registration cost.


Family Registration Fee: 

For families who were members of MVCS the previous year, the $55 Family Registration Fee is due two weeks prior to the start of the semester applying for. Registrations received after this date will be charged a $10 late fee.


Registering for Classes and Tuition:  

Class Registration and Tuition ($60 per regular class and $40 per hour-long class) is due two weeks prior to the start of the semester applying for. (see Calendar for dates). A $5.00 late fee per class will be charged after this day.  Some classes may have a maximum number of students allowed. Students will be registered for those classes on a first-registered-and-paid, first-served basis.  Student will not be able to attend class if tuition is not paid before the 2nd class session. Classes may be cancelled or changed, or students may be turned away, depending on the registration responses. Any student that registers for a class that is full will be placed on a waiting list. If other students drop the class or more room becomes available, students will be added to the class based on registration date.



A student may drop a class and receive a tuition refund as long as the class is dropped before the 2nd class. This will include registration fees and may include class fees but will not include any late fees. There will be no refunds after the 2nd class.


Other Fees:

Some classes have additional costs for such things as supplies or books. These costs are not included with registration or tuition. These additional family costs will be made known during the registration process.

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